Looking for work?

We have found jobs for thousands of job seekers, therefore we know what works to help secure you a job! We cover a wide variety of industries and have a close relationship with local employers across Wiltshire. Whether you’re looking for a temporary or permanent position, come in and see us for a coffee and a chat to see how we can help you.

Why Five Rivers Recruitment?

  • We do the hard work of searching for a job, saving you time
  • Our friendly team will help with impartial career advice
  • Expert guidance with CV writing and interview techniques
  • Ensure your CV gets seen by the right employers
  • Ethical approach, always
Search for a job

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the question to read more.

What are the first steps to finding a job?

Firstly we begin by reviewing your CV and having an initial conversation either on the phone or in person. We like to meet all of our candidates face to face so we can really understand you and maximise your chances of securing a job.

… And then?

Once you are happy with your CV and have given us the green light to work with you, we will contact appropriate employers and begin the process of organising interviews. We will never put you forward for unsuitable jobs or send your CV without consent first.

If you apply for a specific job we have advertised we will brief you in detail about the role and company to see if the job is right for you and give you the inside knowledge.

Are there any minimum requirements for work?

We work with a huge variety job seekers from all industries and all walks of life, all we ask is that you are able to prove your eligibility to work in the UK.

What if I don’t know what I want to do?

Don’t worry, we’re here to offer you impartial advice. Our consultants can advise you on your potential by discussing your transferable skills and previous experience. If you feel you need more of an in depth career review our training manager Roger can discuss the options available to you including a CV Service and personality testing.

What if I can’t see the type of job I’m looking for?

If you can’t see the type of job you’re looking for, don’t worry! We have close relationships with many local employers across Salisbury, so we can make contact and see if there are any vacancies which may be available in the near future or keep your details on file for when the perfect position comes up.

What does your recruitment service cost?

Our costs are covered by the employer, so you can benefit from our impartial career advice and guidance at no cost. Of course, if you would like to bring us some cakes to say thanks, we won’t object!

Tips & Advice for Job Seekers:

Have you registered with us?

Be sure to register your CV with Five Rivers and one of our qualified and friendly consultants will be in touch soon.

Before you go...